Name: Gopini
Age: 4 years
Color: Black with White paws
Sex: Female
About me: I am the most playful girl around the shelter and I have an infinite source of energy. You can see me playing continuously for hours without getting tired. Sometimes, my fellow humans get overwhelmed and tired by my endless enthusiasm. The only one who can match my energy is my brother Kishan. Visitors love it when we both can entertain them with our jolliness. This might seem weird for a dog but I do not enjoy walks like the other dogs at the shelter. I’d rather prefer staying at the shelter and spending time with my brother.
Why Adopt/Sponsor me: I was brought in to the shelter with my brother, as we both were sick puppies left outside the shelter. We had no idea about the whereabouts of our mother. We had to take care of ourselves at such an young age. Our bodies were only skin and bones when we came into the shelter. Maybe that was one of our first warm meals, as we were scavenging food in the streets. We were on fluid therapy as our bodies were too weak for our age and the vet didn’t want to risk the worst case scenario. Our bodies recovered and we were healthy as ever. Spending most of our lives at the shelter, we couldn’t go back to the streets. We are in search of a loving family, who can relieve the shelter off our responsibilities. Adopting us can also make new space for other struggling puppies like us. Hence, will you adopt me and make me a part of your family?
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