Ban live animal transportation

Ban live animal transportation

At Sneha’s Care, one of the majorly crucial areas of focus is the brutal and illegal transportation of livestock. In 2017, our organization played a key role in bringing to light the cruel conditions of long distance live animal transport in Nepal. Since then , our organization has been at the forefront of the fight against animal cruelty in transport. The undercover investigations, conducted by our dedicated team at Nagdhunga, Ramnagar, Chitwan, Kailali and Sudurpaschim, have unveiled the horrific conditions these animals endure while they are transported to different parts of the country to slaughter. They are destined for slaughter or trade and they endure a journey no living creature should face – days crammed into sweltering trucks, overflowing with each other’s bodies. Confined in a metal tomb, shoulder-to-shoulder with countless others, the air thick and stagnant. No space to move, no fresh air to fill their burning lungs, no water to quench their desperate thirst, no food to ease their gnawing hunger. This is the horrifying reality for countless animals transported across Nepal.

Seeing the sensitivity of the situation and animals suffering, we’ve convened crucial workshops, bringing together stakeholders like the Nepal Police, Nepal Traffic Police, Animal Quarantine, and the Veterinary Council and media stakeholders time to time . Addressing the seriousness of the situation, we have been conducting the awareness program for the Driver and Charuwa’s to foster understanding and equip participants with the knowledge and resources to ensure humane animal transport becomes the norm.

As we believe strong policy regarding such issues is the key. We stand firmly against the cruel practices used in transporting live animals across Nepal. While the country established the Animal Transportation Standards in 2064 B.S. (2007 A.D.), a critical aspect remains unaddressed: insufficient penalties for violations. The current fine of NRs. 5,000 for transporting animals in a cruel manner is simply not a strong enough deterrent to stop this cruel practice. Sneha’s Care is at the forefront of advocating for a ban on the cruel practice of long-distance live animal transportation. We actively seek alternative solutions and tirelessly lobby for the implementation of a strict Animal Welfare Act to ensure the well-being of all creatures.

We believe a multifaceted approach is key to ending this suffering. We’ve been actively working with and pressurizing government agencies like the Ministry of Home Affairs, Department of Livestock Services and the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development. Our advocacy efforts have focused on the importance of amending the Animal Transportation Standards to include significantly increased penalties.

Our dedication to this cause has seen significant development. The Supreme Court of Nepal has recently acknowledged the gravity of the situation. They have directed both government agencies and stakeholders involved in the animal transportation industry to prioritize the seriousness of this issue. The Court’s directive emphasizes the need for stricter Animal Welfare Laws to effectively stop the cruelty inflicted on animals during transport.

Our organization remains committed to working towards this critical change. We urge the government and stakeholders to take immediate action on the Supreme Court’s directive and implement stricter penalties to ensure animals are transported with the compassion they deserve. Additionally it has been years, our organization has advocated for a comprehensive animal welfare act to protect animals in Nepal. Through consistent weekly investigations of live animal transportation, our organization compiled field reports that played a critical role in a Supreme Court decision. The court ordered the respective government authorities to prioritize the development of a comprehensive Animal Welfare Act Expeditiously.


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