Ban live animal transportation >

Story of NOLA and CARYL

From torture and abuse to a fear-free life: this has been the journey of Nola and Caryl.

Nola and Caryl were being transported from Sarlahi to Kathmandu in a vehicle in an inhuman manner. The capacity to fit inside the vehicle was of just one buffalo but 6 of them were being transported. They were kept in a congested space, with their nose and legs tied tightly and during the transport(11-12 hours), some of them were bleeding from their nose, had broken horns and wounds on their body.  Out of 6 buffaloes, 2 of them were dropped to the slaughterhouse prior to entering Kathmandu and 2 of them were taken away right after our founder stopped them. Witnessing this animal cruelty, she immediately took action and rescued Caryl and Nola whose condition was worse.  They were scared of humans and did not eat properly when they were rescued to the shelter. The torture and abuse they had to go through before being rescued made them traumatized to a level where they might have never thought that, even they deserve love and care from humans. They now live and enjoy life like every other living being in this world.


In spite of laws and standards implemented for live animal transportation, people do not take it seriously and these animals have to endure pain and suffering for hours. Putting an end to animal cruelty has always been our foremost goal for Sneha’s Care and we are working on it and will be giving continuity to it until the standards  are followed by everyone.




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